Municipal Transfer Station

Waste Management and Recycling
Transfer Station
Located on the SW ¼ Sec. 02, Twp. 33, Rge. 19, W3rd Meridian
Transfer Station winter hours are (October 15 until April 1):
Wednesday 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Friday 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Transfer Station summer hours are (April 1 until October 15):
Wednesday 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday 12:00 – 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 – 3:00 pm
** 2nd Saturday of each month in summer hours except October is 1st Saturday due to Thanksgiving in 2024**
For 2024: April 13; May 11; June 8; July 13; August 10; September 14; October 5
** NOTE: Transfer Station will be closed on Statutory holidays as well as days when the temperature is below -30 degrees Celsius with the wind chill. **
Due to liability issues, it is prohibited to remove any items from the Transfer Station.

These items are allowed.
Keep these items out.

Did you know?
The RM is a member of the Western Regional Landfill (WRLI). Check out the WRLI website for information on fees, location, hours and more. The following communities are also members:
RM of Antelope Park Brock
Coleville Dodsland
Flaxcombe Kerrobert
Kindersley RM of Kindersley
Lacadena Marengo
RM of Mariposa RM of Milton
RM of Newcombe RM of Oakdale
Plenty RM of Progress
Smiley RM of Winslow
The grand opening for WRLI was December 5, 2018 and all of the refuse collected that the Winslow transfer station is hauled to this landfill.
Operation FAQ
- Landfill Operating Hours are Tuesday – Saturdays 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- The WRLI site is a No Cash facility
- Tipping Rates for members are $100/ton (with an administration fee of $10.00)
- Loraas Environmental is contracted to complete the operations on WRLI behalf.
- Invoicing can be invoiced directly from the site to the municipality to save any administration fees by haulers. Municipalities can choose to invoice through their hauler.
- WRLI site will have a debit machine on site for ease of use by the public
- All waste hauler companies are welcome – this is not an “inclusive” Loraas facility.
Did you know?
In 2016, the Government of Saskatchewan set up a province-wide multi-material recycling program to work with industry and municipalities across the province.
The RM of Winslow has a central depot at the Transfer Station for people to drop their residential recycling at no charge. The municipality collects this material, monitors volumes and reports this information to the Multi-Material Stewardship West quarterly (MMSW – is the not-for-profit organization that facilitates the program). In return for participating in the program, the RM of Winslow has been able to receive between $1,100 and $2,100 annually as payment from MMSW, which has been used ensure sustainability for providing this recycling program to our ratepayers.